Tafheem ul Quran Audio

by freequranenglish.com

Books & Reference


Tafheem ul Quran is translation and explanation of the Quran by Syed Maududi.

Abridged version of Tafheem ul Quran; English translation and edited by Zafar Ishaq Ansari. This app is the audio of the tafheem ul quran English abridged version.The Tafheem ul Quran is a 6-volume translation and explanation of the Quran by Syed Abul Ala Maududi.Syed Maududi spent 30 years writing his Tafseer; he began in 1942 and completed it in 1972.The Tafhim ul Quran deals extensively with issues faced by the modern world in general and the Muslim community in particular.The translation was first written in Urdu, but is now available in several languages. The Tafheem differs from traditional exegeses in several ways. It is more than a traditional commentary on the scripture as it contains discussions and debates regarding economics, sociology, history, and politics. In his text, Syed Maududi highlights Quranic perspective and argues that Islam provides ample guidance in all spheres.Bug fixes and performance improvements

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Jazaakallah for such a wonderful work only Allah only knows the final reward for this work.

Asif Shaikh

To read Holy Quran

Rahmatullah Khan

Very nice

Anwar Shaikh



Crashed,error no play

Rishi G

Translation not in urdu.

Rashid Jamal

Best ever of many quaranic apps, this is the missing link in perfecting my audio collection,

Ramy Har

Alhamdulillah , nice presentation !

mohammed abdul Malik


zara bismil

Exilent work

Sabiha Iqbal